Friday, January 7, 2011

Here's a list of resolutions to ensure your happiness...

1. Discern the difference between what you have been taught and what you truly believe. It's OK to do this, really.
2. Replace beliefs that don't serve your highest good with ones that do. You just woke up...and you're Forrest Gump! There is nothing you can't do!
3. Do only what you really want to do. Goodbye, anger and resentment! Hello, happy and free!
4. Get out of a house or a job or a relationship that betrays who you are. Then, one step at a time, move to your own music until you're dancing like you've never danced before!
5. Assume responsibility for your own "stuff." No blaming, no defending, no excuses.
6. If you're sorry, forgive yourself. Then get up and do something about it.
7. Decide you want to be happy...anyway (regardless of the "reasons" not to be).
8. Give what seems to be lacking in your life and your relationships — whether it's kindness or sex or hope. And, you got it!
9. Find what you want inside before you go looking for it in something or somebody else. Yes, it's in there! And if you’re waiting for your prince, he’ll show up when the princess is ready.
10. Keep believing in love. No matter what.
11. Keep believing in others, but don't gamble on when they’ll get their act together. The sea is swarming with fish; and besides, you only need one.
12. Decide what your source is … and quit looking elsewhere for what you want.
13. Remember that the only thing that matters is what's inside — what you can't see. And it's the same in all of us. Goodbye, jealousy and pride!
14. Don't play small; and don't play big. Be big. Really big!
15. Show compassion with respect. Don't give somebody a handout when you can give him a chance to contribute! Yes, this holds true in intimate relationships as well as others.
16. Free yourself from frustration in relationships. Your partner and others are doing the best they can. If you stop personalizing their behavior, you can help them to do better.
17. Quit trying to be a better person than you are. If you can be just half as good as you are, you just might find yourself walking on water!
18. Remember that success is going for it, not getting it.
19. Practice conscious choices, but only until you're so good at them that you can make them unconsciously.
20. This one's for you.

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